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The Bakery

"I segreti del Chiostro" (The secrets of the cloister) is a project of rediscovery and enhancement of the ancient traditions of conventual pastry: an important material heritage that can not be lost and that must be handed down to future generations. Sicily's baking, even though it has its roots in ancient times such as the Greek colonization or the Arab domination, was born in medieval times, in cloistered convents. The bakery of Santa Caterina was the place of the monastery in charge of making biscuits, stuffed buns, pancakes, jams and so on. The sale of sweets represented an important source of income for the survival of the monastery.

Free entrance from Piazza Bellini

open every day

from 9,30 am to 1,30 pm

and from 3,00 pm to 19,00

Tel. 327 588 2302

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